A Disturbing Analysis of Dr. Fauci and His 50 Year Career in Public Service – 5 stars
He’s been a fixture on TV, radio, congressional committee hearings, and press briefings for the last two years. He’s also been the power behind the various rules, regulations, and dictates that have re-formed our everyday lives into what the media refers to as the New Normal.
But what do we really know about him? How was he given the power? Why does it seem no one can ask why he’s demanded the world do these things and not get a straight answer? Why have presidents handed him this power, an unelected, career civil servant who acts as though his word is law without providing hard scientific or medical evidence as to why?
This book answers many of these questions, but those answers are unsettling. They also make the reader wonder why this man, Dr. Anthony Fauci, has held the positions to which he has been assigned over his fifty years in government service despite a track record that would have had him removed from similar positions in the private sector. Or even charged with any number of violations of criminal or international laws in addition to serious and on-going conflicts of interest over his relationships with corporations that make up Big Pharma.
Kennedy offers a cornucopia of references, interviews, links, and data to illustrate the mismanagement and questionable ethics that have been the hallmark of Fauci’s tenure at various agencies that fall under the umbrella of the federal cabinet level Department of Health and Human Services (HHS).
The author admits to knowing Fauci and having previous confrontations concerning his health and vaccine policies. The documents referenced in the book and provided as proof of Fauci’s ties to Big Pharma and poorly designed clinical trials designed to fast track new, expensive remedies and vaccines aren’t fabricated. Interviews with doctors and researchers who have worked with Fauci add to the mountain of evidence.
The COVID crisis is not the first to be stage-managed by Dr. Anthony Fauci. Thirty years ago he was in charge when HIV and AIDS was discovered and quickly made its way around the world. A similar modus operandi was used then too: ignore existing available possible treatments for patients and put all of the research money and effort into the search for a new, patentable vaccine or treatment.
Dating back to Fauci’s involvement with the AIDS epidemic thirty years ago, Fauci has shown a decided preference for working closely with the Big Pharma companies and assisting them in seeking these new, patentable medicines and vaccines. This assistance comes in the forms of generous grants of taxpayer money for research and clinical trials with often questionable deviations from standard scientific methods designed to protect patients from harmful or ineffective drugs being released into the marketplace.
In both the HIV/AIDS and COVID-19 pandemics, in early days Fauci has latched onto a vaccine-only tunnel vision methodology that ignores, and in many cases discourages or denigrates any near-term treatments to ease symptoms or prevent cases from becoming severe enough to require hospitalization or death even when off-patent, off-label drugs have been shown by doctors treating patients in the field have found them repeatedly to be both safe and effective.
Which begs the question: if practicing doctors across the country or even around the world have found these treatments, why has Dr. Fauci (who has not treated a patient with these conditions) ignored them while people are suffering and dying?
Another person that is a target of the book as being a co-conspirator with Fauci is Bill Gates and his Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF). While the foundation is often involved in the distribution of vaccines to marginalized populations, according to the references provided, there are also close ties to Big Pharma. Kennedy shows that Gates is heavily invested in most of the big players in vaccine development and sales. In other words, although seed money comes from the non-profit BMGF, Bill Gates receives money back via the stock he holds as each new vaccine is approved by Fauci’s agencies and then shipped by the millions of doses into countries all over the world. Dividends and increased stock value after each new introduction and deployment pay back more than the original seed money investments. Not quite a conflict of interest, but it is a profitable symbiotic relationship that works in Gates’s favor.
Have you wondered how the rules and regulations that Fauci has been laying down on the American public have been so closely mirrored by other governments’ medical authorities? Kennedy has found the answer to that question in the form of a series of pandemic role-playing events that have been held over the past decade that have included international representation. The scenarios used in each of these events follow a similar script and look familiar to anyone who has lived through the restrictions imposed on the public over the COVID crisis.
Oddly enough the last of these pandemic rehearsal events occurred in 2019 only weeks before the real COVID crisis began and had an unnamed coronavirus as the scripted cause of the emergency. For the participants of that last event, the real crisis was almost like watching a rerun, so each was prepared to swing into the action that was part of the practice round, each working from the same checklist.
Can Kennedy be considered a neutral reporter? He admits in the book that his previous interactions with Anthony Fauci have been contentious, but the raw data in the research cannot be denied. The image Fauci projects for himself as “America’s Doctor” is an attempt to hide the flaws in both his science and his too-close relationships with the pharmaceutical industry. The lack of direct and complete answers to questions posed to Fauci, and his suppression of any dissenting voice to his dictates are not the actions of someone whose main duty should be to the citizens of the country and the maintenance and improvement of their health and well-being.
This book is available in both print and ebook formats. The chapter endnote references in the ebook are active links to the sources, websites, and articles that make it easier for the reader to check out the primary sources and data being discussed in the book.
Highly recommended.
A year before this book came out, a large batch of Anthony Fauci’s official email correspondence with various medical professionals and officials that occurred during the early months of the COVID-19 crisis was released to the public through a Freedom of Information request by ICAN.
These are available for downloading as a PDF format file at Fauci’s emails.
These emails reflect a different message than Fauci was giving to the public. Read them and make your own judgments.