The Liberty Network consists of two gatherings per week. As per Greenwich Mean Time (GMT), they commence on Thursdays and Sundays at 03:00 hours. With Eastern Standard Time (EST) being 5:00 hours behind GMT, this particular time within the United States correlates into 22:00 hours on Wednesdays and Saturdays. “Deception time” such as British Summer Time (BST) or Eastern Daylight Time (EDT) have never been recognized by the Liberty Net coordinator, N2IRJ. However, acting Net control stations retain full reign to deviate – so be flexible. By the absolute celestial markers, the Net might actually be starting an hour earlier during the summertime if EDT is observed.
QRO Encouraged
There is an expectation of signal receivability. This is an absolute necessity on 75 meters during the Liberty Net. Do not confuse this environment with that of 10 meters – when the band is open and you can work a distant station within your signal’s footprint. A true responsibility for being heard does exist. Eternally putting off getting a good signal is irresponsible and rude. Bottom line, a good antenna and respectable RF amplifier are required.
This advice is never to discourage newcomers. We still welcome poor signals from people with strong minds. The only caveat is that if you have a weak signal, engage in the process of obtaining a better one. Mobile stations on 3995 kHz are mostly exempt – since they usually face the technical limitation of having insufficient antenna lengths. In closing, we always remain patient and certainly comprehend that Rome was not built in a day!
This directed Net starts by checking-in stations wishing to speak. After the first round, late check-ins are called for. After the second or third cycle, the Round Table begins. Back and forth swinging discussions ensue between the participants with or without Net Control Station intervention. At the end, anybody remaining might debate Science, Physics, Engineering, Philosophy, History or any subject of erudite ascendancy.