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“There is no greater tyranny than that which is perpetrated under the shield of the law and in the name of justice.” – Montesquieu

Video Recommendations

Liberty Net Radio disc by Paul Scharr image
by Laura Fenik, N2JTT

Videos of interest – let us know if you’d like for us to consider posting a video here.

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Idealogical insanity vs. ethical principles of humanity

Click here to listen to this podcast. – Shared by Marty Fenik, N2IRJ

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YouTube video: Admiral Jeremiah Denton POW in North Vietnam blinks T-O-R-T-U-R-E in Morse code.

Admiral Denton blinks torture in Morse code image
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Mentally Ill –– The Masses

Play, replay, take written notes then discuss on Liberty Net Radio. – Marty Fenik, N2IRJ

Mass Psychosis – Shared by our friend and activist, Timi Butcher in West Hamlin, West Virginia. – Laura Fenik, N2JTT

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How much have you been propagandized? Do you suffer blind obedience to authority? Check out the videos below by author Phil M. Williams which further illustrate these concepts.

Are you Propagandized

You would’ve been a Nazi

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Shared by Marty Fenik, N2IRJ:

Morse code Education: Is it SDC or SDKE?

Fireball XL5 – Prisoner on the Lost Planet. March 3rd, 1962.

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Harrison Bergeron, a Vimeo video based on the short story of the same name by Kurt Vonnegut, Jr. Shared by Rick and Sarge, longtime friends and participants of the Liberty Net family.

This is an excellent satire about the absurd notion that we are all equal or should be. A society which is a proponent of this, suffers. A worthwhile video to see.

In the words of a commenter (Srividya Vijapure): Eerily brilliant… it is better to live in a world where everyone is not equal than to live in one where everyone is forced to be an equal by taking drastic measures to bring down excellence rather than raise the mediocre and especially where this equality is brought about without any care for their personal needs.

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The Genius of the Crowd by Charles Bukowski. The mob mentality of the crowd. Perhaps some crowds could be considered the living embodiment of some of the more base traits of man.

“The Genius of the Crowd is Bukowski’s message to his readers to look beyond what they see and recognize people for who they really are. He pushes them to understand the reason behind each action and asks the readers to beware of such disguised individuals for it is the genius power of this average crowd that will be responsible for their doom.” – Deeksha Honawar of Beaming Notes.

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Ross Ulbricht, the young physicist who tried to make the Internet free, ended up with several lifelong prison sentences combined with an additional punitive 40 years. The beast was exceedingly corrupt in maneuvering to evoke its personal vendetta. Ross’s friends constructed the film: Silk Road Case: The Real, Untold Story (video by – Marty Fenik, N2IRJ

Liberty Net Radio 8 by Paul Scharr image